Netiquette Policy

“Netiquette” or “network etiquette” defines appropriate communication in the online environment. In short, it governs the way that we interact with each other via this online platform. The Trine Virtual Campus encourages students, faculty and staff to use common courtesy and respect in all forms of electronic communication to promote effective and positive interactions.


Please adhere to the following guidelines when interacting with other students and instructors as part of Trine University’s online courses:

  1. Do not use sexual, offensive, prejudicial or overly critical language.
  2. Do not use threatening language or personal attacks. You may politely disagree with an idea, but never make it personal.
  3. Do not post the personal information of another student or faculty member in any manner without their express permission.
  4. Understand that it is hard to interpret the “tone” of online communication. Humor and sarcasm are easily misunderstood. Use an emoticon (  ) to let your reader know when you are being less serious. Choose your words carefully so your true meaning is understood.
  5. Be tolerant of mistakes. Everyone is not proficient with computers so mistakes, misspellings, delays, and misdirected communications will always happen. Don’t automatically read the worst into something that is probably nothing more than an innocent mistake.
  6. If you feel it is necessary to correct someone for a mistake or inaccurate information, be polite and professional. Consider sending a private email rather than a group email or discussion post.
  7. Avoid “flaming,” which is the expression of extreme emotion or opinion in an email or online discussion forum. Misinterpretation of an email or post followed by an impulsive response will only make the situation worse.
  8. Do not forward an email message, file attachment or photo without the author’s permission. Asking for permission demonstrates your integrity and respect for their communication.
  9. When composing electronic communications, remember the following:
  • DON’T TYPE IN ALL UPPER CASE LETTERS. Not only is upper case harder to read, it is the electronic form of shouting.
  • Be careful in using bold fonts. It is often used to convey a tone of anger.
  • Avoid changing the font to lighter colors like red or light green as it often cannot be seen by people with color blindness.
  • Keep paragraphs short and easy to read. Use blank lines in between paragraphs.
  • Avoid acronyms or abbreviations unless the entire class is familiar with them.
  • Avoid shorthand like “u” for you and “b4” for before. Keep in mind others may not be familiar with these shortcuts and may not understand your meaning.
  • Use spell check and take time to proofread your message. Make sure you aren’t conveying an unintended context or tone.

 If you are concerned that someone is being harassing, demeaning, or abusive, please contact your course instructor.

Last modified: Monday, December 28, 2015, 3:50 PM